Conscious When It's Convenient: Anthropomorphisation, Anthropodenial, & AI
Discussions of the welfare of non-human animals & artificial intelligence are dominated by two principles: pathocentrism & the precautionary principle. Pathocentrism is the view that a being’s moral status depends on its capacity to suffer (Metzinger 2021). Pathocentrism establishes a vital connection between philosophical/scientific investigations of consciousness & ethical/legal frameworks. Yet, it also leaves important questions unanswered– chief among them: /which/ beings are capable of suffering?
The Caring Engineer
This article explores the identity and role of engineers through the lens of care ethics. Building on other attempts to develop engineering ethics based on normative moral perspectives that are similar to and consistent with the ethics of care (e.g., virtue ethics), we propose that engineering practices within small and medium scale projects present the conditions for developing moral relations based on care.
For a Humanized Smart City: Interrogating Technological Narratives Through Regenerative, Proximity and Care
In recent years, the concept of "smart cities" has emerged as a futuristic vision for urban development, driven by the integration of digital technologies into urban infrastructure and services. However, this approach often neglects fundamental considerations about the human and societal impact of technology on urban life. This study proposes a critical reflection on the intersections between the ideals of smart cities and the philosophy of technology, while exploring the concepts of the city of proximity and the city of caring, outlined by Ezio Manzini (2019, 2022).