Track 8: General - Philosophy and Ethics of Technology
Saliences and Collective Attention in Technology Development
Collective attention plays an important role in the development of sociotechnical systems. It directs the aggregation of social, financial, and political resources, which impacts technology development. In particular, shifts in collective attention can reflect changing relationships between specific technologies and social or moral values. When a value is relatively more important to a certain technology, the perspectives relevant to that value attract more attention within that specific technical system, which is crucial for value-sensitive and responsible technology design.
A Buddhist Attention Freedom Fight Club
Within mere decades the attention economy has not only developed into an technological omnipresence, a major industry and a political force to be reckoned with. Less explicitly I has also developed into a major moral force working on our collective attention. It does not only come with an explicit economical deal - I pay attention in return for ‘free’ services - but also with an implicit ethical ideal: delivering myself to the ease of attention technology will confirm me as a truly modern human being. The good and the easy are near synonyms.
Wisdom in the Age if Inteligent Machines
This paper addresses the topic of artificial mediated agency and autonomy and its impact on human wellbeing. The key question of this paper is whether artificial agency and autonomy can be extended to the notion of wisdom: If agency is mediated and distributed between humans and intelligent machines, can there also be a mediated wisdom?